
The universe of modality

Although the subject has generated considerable scientific production and much debate, the concept of modality cannot be easily defined. As musicologist Nicolas Meeùs puts it: "the question of modality is one of the most difficult and interesting of those which arise in modern musicology, in particular in this analytical musicology which gives itself the task of question the deep structure of music ”(2013). Rather than giving a unique and therefore restrictive definition of "modality" or "modal music", it seemed to us more relevant to approach it by diversified musical examples highlighting its specificities in each of the musical situations addressed, and thus offer contextualized apprehensions. The conception of what a "mode" is or its use, without being named, vary according to the periods and the musical cultures concerned, as well as the terminologies used.

However, bridges are noted between the different musical universes presented and justify a perspective of the modality. At the origin of this portal is the conviction of the existence of a "modal understanding", to use the expression of the singer Erik Marchand (2012) at the initiative of the project. It is at least a shared approach to music: a horizontal conception of the latter with a primacy of the melodic line; an underlying structure on which improvisations or variations are based, with particular attention to the intervals of the scale which do not necessarily fall under the equal temperament obtained by dividing the octave into twelve equal intervals.

The modal understanding, historically present in Western music, seems today often reserved for the description of non-European music. However, modality is the foundation of many popular Western European music, including that of Lower Brittany, modal music of popular and oral tradition, which was the basis of our reflection. Taking into account this reality is, without doubt, discovering new riches and an innovative support for creation, but also discovering a musical syntax shared between East and West.


BEYHOM, Amine, « Systématique modale : génération et classement d’échelles modales », Musurgia, n° XI, 2004.

CHAILLEY, Jacques, L’imbroglio des modes, Paris, Leduc, 1975.

DROM, « Colloque international : la modalité, un pont entre Orient et Occident – 17 et 18 novembre 2011 », 2012 :

DURING, Jean, The Radif of Mirzâ ‘Abdollâh. The Canonic Persian Repertoire as Recorded by Nur ‘Ali Borumand, Téhéran, Mahoor, 2019.

MARCHAND, Erik, « Une musique modale de tradition populaire en Occident – Tribune », NEMO-Online 1, 2012-11, p. 5-10.

MEEUS, Nicolas, « Mode et système. Conceptions ancienne et moderne de la modalité », Musurgia IV/3, 1997, p. 67-80.
MEEUS, Nicolas. « Introduction ». Notes de cours de théorie et d’analyse de la musique ancienne en Sorbonne. Cours faits en Sorbonne entre 1995 et 2013, 2013, document en ligne :

Revue Musurgia, volume IV, 03, « La modalité revisitée », 1997.

Revue NEMO-Online vol. 1, « La modalité en question ».

PICARD, François, « Analyse comparée de musiques modales et pentatoniques d’Afrique du Nord », in Mohamed Gouja ed., Arts et musiques tunisiens, dimensions maghrébines, arabes, africaines et méditerranéennes, l’Empreinte Maghrébine, Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers de Gabès, Université de Gabès, Tunisie, 2014, p. 73-88.
PICARD, François, « Back to modality. Musical Modes Revisited », NEMO-Online 11, 2012, p. 11–18.
PICARD, François « Modalité et pentatonisme ». Analyse Musicale, Société française d’analyse musicale, 2001, p. 37-46.
PICARD, François, « Oralité et notations, de Chine en Europe », Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles 12, 2000, p. 35-53.

TRAN, Van Khê, « Modes musicaux », Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris, 1971, tome XI, p. 148-153, repris dans Corpus 15, 1990, p. 562-566.

ZOSSO René, Penser modal : approche théorico-pratique de la modalité occidentale, 1 DVD coproduit par Marc Anthony, AEPEM, AMTRAD, APMT, Cie Beline, CPMDT, Folk des Terres Froides, MusTraDem, Mydriase, Vrod & co, 2017.